Recent News and Legislative Updates

California Massage Licensing

The California massage therapy community has an opportunity to join 45 other licensed states by instituting professional licensing in place of the current uneven, incomplete voluntary certification process administered by a private organization, the California Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC).

Utah Bill Creates Tiered Licensure. Protect Massage Therapy Standards in Utah—March Update

Senate Bill 180 was introduced will create a tiered licensing structure for massage therapists: Licensed Massage Therapists (LMTs) and a second tier of Certified Massage Practitioners (CMPs) who practice limited massage therapy. ABMP is opposed to SB 180 as is, because there are no education requirements for becoming a CMP.

Indiana Proposes Rules for Massage Therapy Licensure and Continuing Education

The Indiana State Board of Massage Therapy proposed new rules as a necessary step to bring licensure protocols into effect. These proposed rules would primarily change the term “certificate holder” to “license holder,” and outline continuing education requirements for renewal once licensure is the law of the land, among other modifications.
