Video Course: Instructional Clarity Through Scaffolding

Anne Williams

Like construction scaffolding—which is erected when a new building is started and removed when the building is complete—instructional scaffolding is temporary. It is used to help students understand important concepts, make connections between concepts, learn new practical skills, or combine a number of concepts and practical skills into an integrated skill. Instructional scaffolding helps us move students from where they are now to the next level of skills, knowledge, and ability. This session will discuss different methods instructors can use to ensure instructional clarity by building the right type of scaffolding for massage students.

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Anne Williams

Anne Williams is a licensed massage therapist, former esthetician, certified reflexologist, clinical hypnotherapist, registered counselor, aromatherapist, author, and educator. Before joining Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP) as director of education, Anne worked as a school director of education, massage instructor, CE provider, spa consultant, and curriculum specialist. While with ABMP, Anne developed an extensive library of in-person and online resources for professionals, schools, instructors, and students. She published Spa Bodywork: A Guide for Massage Therapists in 2006 and Massage Mastery: From Student to Professional in 2012. Learn more at and

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