Video Course: Fill Your Practice: A Blueprint for a Successful Practice

Eric Brown

Many massage professionals struggle to fill their practice. It's a shame that these talented professionals have so much to offer, but just don't have clients coming to see them for help. If that's you, watch this presentation for a list of proven practice-building techniques with a simple, no-nonsense, step-by-step plan to turn things around and help you build the practice of your dreams.

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Eric Brown
Eric Brown has trained thousands of therapists at massage therapy colleges and through conference workshops. This noted massage business expert and founder of BodyworkBiz writes for massage journals internationally and is the author of 60 Clients in 60 Days. He is a co-founder of World Massage Conference and Massage Therapy Radio. He has pioneered chair massage in Canada and has worked for a multitude of companies including IBM, Dell, Kelloggs, Levi Strauss, AMEX, major hospitals, banks, law firms, and financial institutions. Learn more at
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