Video Course: Designing Presentations that Engage

Anne Williams

According to Businessweek, an estimated 30 million PowerPoint presentations are given each day around the globe. Unfortunately, an estimated 72 percent of them are unbearable! If you’re a instructor, continuing education provider, or therapist doing client education events, you want to deliver stunning presentations that help you teach your methods, sell your services, build your brand, get clients, and ensure your audience enjoys learning. In this class, you’ll discover how to use key principles in instructional design to engage your audience and you’ll learn the secrets of structure and slide design to quickly take your presentation expertise to a new level.

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Anne Williams

Anne Williams is a licensed massage therapist, former esthetician, certified reflexologist, clinical hypnotherapist, registered counselor, aromatherapist, author, and educator. Before joining Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP) as director of education, Anne worked as a school director of education, massage instructor, CE provider, spa consultant, and curriculum specialist. While with ABMP, Anne developed an extensive library of in-person and online resources for professionals, schools, instructors, and students. She published Spa Bodywork: A Guide for Massage Therapists in 2006 and Massage Mastery: From Student to Professional in 2012. Learn more at and

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