Ebook: Anatomist's Corner: An Advanced Guide to Anatomy in Massage & Bodywork-Part 2

Tom Myers

Anatomy is obviously a critical component of a solid massage and bodywork education and a successful practice. But anatomy is not a stagnant discipline. New scientific discoveries are constantly changing how we perceive the body and all its many intricacies. This second course moves us past the first course (Anatomist’s Corner: An Advanced Guide to Anatomy in Massage & Bodywork—Part 1) into the world of structural bodywork, and delivers discussions that range from both firmly biomechanical to speculative and esoteric. An in-depth look at author Thomas Myers’ Anatomy Trains concept, and its structural integration “recipe,” helps lay foundation for the conversation.

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Tom Myers

Tom Myers, BCSI, directs Anatomy Trains, which offers certification in Structural Integration in the US, Australia, and Europe, as well as short courses in manual therapy and functional anatomy worldwide. He is the author of Anatomy Trains (2020, 4th ed), and co-author of Fascial Release for Structural Balance (2017, 2nd ed). The Anatomy Trains myofascial meridians, which connect the muscles through the fascial fabric, is increasingly employed in a wide variety of rehabilitation and performance enhancement modalities. Tom studied directly with Ida Rolf and Moshe Feldenkrais, as well as Buckminster Fuller, movement luminaries, and European osteopaths. He has practiced Structural Integration for over 40 years in a wide variety of clinical and cultural settings. Learn more at www.anatomytrains.com.

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