Bodywork and the Business of Miracles

By Cyndi Dale
[Energy Work]

I believe in miracles. I think we all do. Fortunately—or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it—because you’re a healer, your clients instinctively consider you to be in the miracle business, whether or not you desire to be.
Miracles are a slippery slope. Our clients want one. We want one for them. Because of this, it’s extraordinarily important to be clear about the topic.
What are miracles, and how can we enable them? Can we create miracles, or is that outside the scope of our practice? Is there a way to better enable the miraculous? The most sensible way for me to answer these questions is from an energetic perspective, a viewpoint that interconnects the worlds of physicality and spirituality. This is the position from which we can stretch to the stars but also keep our feet firmly on the ground.  
The most common definition of a miracle is an event that can’t be explained by natural forces. The resulting supernatural splendor draws attention to the event.1 These types of miracles get most of the press, as they generate fireworks in our minds, sunshine at night, and cover the dark with light.
As an energy healer, I’ve witnessed miracles in my practice. I’ve observed a client’s spine straighten 2 inches in as many days, a tumor disintegrate before my eyes, and a stillborn baby breathe after being declared dead.
Perhaps you have your own miracle stories to tell. They stick in the brain (probably because we’re still in shock). Most miracles are stupendous. The world is constructed from the less splashy acts of beauty and grace. Examples from my own practice include the gentleman whose slight decrease in pain returned him to basketball workouts, a woman who remembered it was OK to smile, and the child who discovered he was likable.
We’re diligent about noticing the grand, impressive miracles, the ones that lead to the belief that God has personally acquiesced to our wishes. When these occur, it’s easy to forget that pronounced swings of fate are usually preceded by thousands of tiny changes. Besides which, huge miracles often overshadow the more common wonders that happen everywhere and all the time.
Great or small, for our purposes, I like the definition of a miracle offered by theologian C. S. Lewis: “A retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see.”2
In other words, all miracles are bigger than life but they are usually clothed in everyday cloth. Because all miracles reflect the goodness in the universe, the most infinitesimal is as powerful and important as the most gargantuan. It’s a matter of perspective.
My oldest son Michael once made a comment that underscores this point. When he was six, Michael came with me to visit a hospice client. It was my client’s birthday, and we brought cake and balloons. The client, whom I’ll call James, was only 21 and a hair’s breadth away from death. Although he hoped for a miracle, James died a couple of days after our visit.
When I told Michael what had occurred, Michael reflected that James had received his miracle.
“What do you mean?” I asked him.
“Well, mommy, he got a new birthday, right after his old one.”
Miracles really are a matter of perspective.

The Variable of Perception
Perspective is a key word in subtle energy science, which is the study of spiritual or psychic energy. Energy is information that moves. In my interpretation, classical physics seeks to understand energy that is physical or measurable, and macroscopic in nature; and quantum physics explores the frontier of subtle energy, which is immeasurable or less measurable energy, and considered microscopic.
For an event to be considered miraculous in classical physics, it must appear to bend, if not break, natural law. These miracles have to be huge and, paradoxically, unexplainable to merit the label. But under the quantum microscope, miracles happen every day. In fact, everything in the world is made of a miracle. The issue is whether or not we pay attention.
In classical physics, an object or event is either real or not. It is here or not. In quantum physics, the term virtual particles is assigned to the tiny units that build concrete reality. According to Richard Bartlett, DC, ND, the creator of the consciousness-building program called Matrix Energetics, virtual particles don’t exist until they do.3 They show up out of seemingly nowhere and turn into material particles when we want them to or think they will. The observer, who I’ve also called the dreamer, makes the difference.

This is true whether the dreamer is a person, an animal, or the Oneness many of us call God, the Greater Spirit, the Higher Power, or another name. Everything you perceive around you is there because it’s been formed from virtual particles blessed into existence. The more people deciding the sky is blue instead of pink, the greater the chance that the sky will be blue and stay that way—at least, until dawn and dusk. Conceivably, an observer like the One will be a little better at holding a focus than we can, which means we can always ask for higher help.
Of course, measurable particles play their part in the equation; they just aren’t always anchored in physical reality. Bartlett theorizes that electrons—subatomic particles with negative electric charge—exist first in a probability cloud. We can’t physically perceive them when they are only probabilities. When they are summoned, for instance by intention or focus, they then fall into an atom’s orbit, thus moving from possibility into actuality.4
My analogy is of a stage on which appears a group of actors. Imagine there are also hundreds of other actors backstage, and each holds many scripts. If specific lines are said on stage, they can trigger one of the understudies and even a particular manuscript. They can then move from backstage to the main stage, perhaps changing the course of the entire drama.
Guess how the original actors got there? That’s right—the same way. Everything around us, at some point, moved from backstage to the front. This means that everything started as a miracle, a shift in consciousness that moved an idea from the invisible into the visible universe.
I love looking at life this way. It invites gratitude for everything that already exists. It underlines the idea of happiness as an acceptance of what is. It also means that interactions between a client and myself can make a difference. My vote for healing can empower their vote, potentially calling forth a new line or an updated script into evidential reality.
I believe our focus as healers can enable increased transformation for our client. It’s also easier to help a client focus on the desire if we have a sense of the type of miracle to request or focus on.
From a biblical perspective, the categories of miracles include the suspension of the laws of nature—such as when Jesus walked on water—and the transformation of substances, such as the turning of water into wine. They also include the raising of the dead, healing of the sick, animals speaking, and the release of evil.5
Examples of these groupings in relation to a bodywork practice might look like this:
• Suspension of laws of nature: pain relief occurs sooner than expected.
• Transformation of substance: pessimism changes to optimism because the client feels relaxed and understood.
• Raising of the dead: awareness of a hidden part of the self, such as the uncovering of a repressed memory or the remembrance of a unique gift.
• Healing of the sick: what we do all the time!  
• Animals speaking: greater attunement to nature.
• Release of evil: freedom from dysfunctional beliefs.

How Do We Use This Information?
For guidance, let’s turn to Frank Fools Crow (1890–1989), one of the most respected Lakota healers. Fools Crow considered miracles normal, and he performed hundreds if not thousands of them.6 He didn’t perform them to seek fame or glory; rather, he wanted his patients to know they had the power to be healed, and to even perform miracles, great and small, as well. His role was to serve as a clean or hollow bone, and allow the Greater Spirit to flow through him.
How did he accomplish this? When someone was sick, he would prepare a bed for them under the stars or in a place where there was nothing between them and the higher powers.7 In other words, he helped remove the obstacles between them and the Greater Spirit, the One, or the cloud of possibilities. Then, he would get out of the way and ask these higher powers to assist. He would focus on the need and let the Presence do the work.
One of our tasks is to help our clients hold this type of focus. Are they full of self-doubt? Perhaps we can encourage them to direct that energy into activity, which represents the transformation of substances. Do they work all day in a cubicle? How about if we support them in taking lunch breaks outside, thus communing with nature? We can assist clients with making these types of decisions, if we can pinpoint what they really need.
At this point, our job is to help alleviate or remove the impediments to positive change. We are skilled healers; everything in our toolbox is oriented toward this. By becoming open to our own form of intuitive or spiritual guidance, we will naturally perform the healing maneuvers that can call forth grace and change.  
Ultimately, we don’t know what miracle will appear, big or little. Neither do we know when it will occur. Our clients’ muscles might release hours after a session. A revelation might strike them that night in a dream. In the end, what it really takes to move a possibility into a probability, and then into a life, is to know that miracles are constantly occurring, and that through love and the administration of our skill, we can assist.

1.    Christian Courier and Wayne Jackson, “What Does the Bible Say About Miracles?” accessed January 2015,
2.    Walter Hooper and C. S. Lewis, God in the Dock (Trustees of the Estate of C. S. Lewis, 1970), from a sermon preached in St. Jude on the Hill Church on November 26, 1942: 29.
3.    Richard Bartlett, DC, ND, The Physics of Miracles, accessed January 2015, 54.
4.    Ibid, 55.
5.    Christian Courier and  Wayne Jackson, “What Does the Bible Say About Miracles?”
6.    Thomas E. Mails, Fools Crow: Wisdom and Power (San Francisco, California: Council Oak Books, 1995): 9.
7.    Dianne Meili, Aboriginal Multi-Media Society, “Frank Fools Crow (Footprints),” accessed January 2015,

Cyndi Dale is an internationally renowned author, speaker, and intuitive consultant. Her books include the bestselling The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy (Sounds True, 2009), The Complete Book of Chakra Healing (Llewellyn Publications, 2009), and Advanced Chakra Healing (Crossing Press, 2005). To learn more about Dale and her products, services, and classes, please visit