Video Course: The Physics of Posture and Pain Relief

Patrick Mummy

When you look at the human body through the lens of physics you have the unique opportunity to view the body in a new light: as a dynamic, three-dimensional structure of levers and pulleys, actions and reactions. Knowing the basic principles of physics outlined in this presentation, you will discover a practical way to examine your clients' posture in an objective way and explain not only how they came to have the pain issues they have, but also how to resolve them.

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Patrick Mummy
Patrick Mummy is the founder and president of Symmetry For Health and the author of the book Symmetry: Relieve Pain and Optimize Physical Motion. Mummy's degree in athletic training, with an emphasis in applied kinesiology and biomechanics, combined with his exposure as a Division 1 athlete for the San Diego State Men's baseball program, led to his own personal discovery of the deficits of traditional and alternative therapies in curing chronic pain. Learn more at
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