Latest From ABMP


How do we get more men to get massage?

Cash for Clunkers

What do massage therapists and car salesmen have in common?

Who Deserves a Massage?

Build your practice while benefiting your community--and the economy--during EveryBody Deserves a Massage Week.

Connecting the dots

What's the motivation behind this new social network anyway? Get the scoop on

Halfway through 2009, the pertinent question is: Hey, how you doing?

Well, we have arrived at the halfway mark of 2009. I’m a numbers guy, so I usually take stock in milestones (especially when running a race—I always like to know how I’m doing and when I’ll be done). When I think about the first half of 2009, I think about some successes we’ve had here at ABMP—more than an armful of awards for our top-notch communications and web teams, some quality work developing our BizFit initiative, among other highlights—along with some new opportunities we’re working on.

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